Tag Archive for: ESMO 2017

Stagehands.net takes the Plunge in Barcelona

The 19th ESMO World Congress took place in Barcelona last week, the world’s leading global event in gastrointestinal cancer. Stagehands.net received a request for hands to help assemble an unusual and interesting sculpture for one of the exhibitors.

The giant goats head, consisting of 10,000 ping pong balls, was created by Plunge Creations, a creative design and prop making company from Sussex in the UK. Plunge are a regular partner of stagehand.net when they come to the continent and they been responsible for some incredible builds over the years, including a giant dinosaur made of crumpets and a life size chocolate Thomas the Tank Engine to name but a few!

Two of the crew met with Plunge in Barcelona to help display the sculpture at the International Convention Centre. Some careful maundering and some delicate hands where needed to set the sculpture up which then stood for the duration of the exhibition. Thankfully nobody dropped the ball(s) and the set up was a smooth success… because picking up 10,000 balls would really get my goat.


(picture: The Goat head sculpture under construction in the BICC)